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Aluminum alloys and its marine applications


Aluminum is a metal that is far and wide used in hulls, commercial ships, hatch covers, and deckhouses. The metal has gained a lot of popularity over steel as it is light in weight as well as has great durability. The aluminum alloys are used in marine applications as it retains great ductility without any heating. The applications in which alloys are used are pipping that provides appropriate assurance against pitting.

Aluminum applications in boats

  • Small crafts- Small craft boats are also known as pleasure boats. The lightweight of the metal proves beneficial here as it reduces the construction cost. While constructing craft boats Aluminum boat builders have to not only consider engineering facts but also work on styling. These boats can be used in both fresh as well as salt waters. The thickness of the alloy sheet is chosen as per the wielding requirement of the boat.
  • Large inbound boats- These boats are fabricated similar to small crafts. The large inbound boats are popular as bulkheads, cabins and fuel heads.
  • Sailing craft- Sailing crafts are similar to power crafts except for the bigger latitude that provides a better balance between ballast-displacement ratio as well as the sail area.
  • Personnel workboat- The demand for small commercial boats has increased since the expansion of the oil industry. These boats are light in weight and can be used in all waters.

Aluminum boats are majorly used in boats as the metal is flexible and has a great life span.