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Correct Spacing When Laying Down Tiles

Choosing the distance between your tiles is an important part of tiling. You will want to have the correct size tile spacer before starting your project. Using tiles spacer will help you stay straight with any pattern or design when you put tiles. If you are not a DIY person then you can also hire expert floor tilers of Perth via for quality tile work. 

Does size spacing matter?

The size of the distance between your tiles is important. Choosing a spacer for your tile distance will help with style and design. Using spacers also will help in getting your tile project correctly done. You will want to complete the distance of the tiles before you start cutting or putting your tiles.

It's important to ensure that tiles on the edge of the room or wall are not small pieces or fillers that will change the appearance of your design. If you choose not to use spacers and guess the amount of space between each tile, this could throw off the whole room and your grout lines will not be even. You want to keep your tile in a grid; this will allow you to construct a symmetrical finish to your project.

The principle of using spacers is for your tiles to line up straight. When choosing a spacer, the size of the room will determine the consistent width of your finished NAT line. When you are looking for various spacer sizes, traditional sizes are 1/4 ", 1/2", 3/4 ", 1/8", 1/16 ". The most commonly used spacers tend to be ¼ or 3/8 inches.