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Home » Health and Fitness » Do Podiatrists use science in their treatments?

Do Podiatrists use science in their treatments?

PodChatLive is a once a week live show for the regular education of Podiatrists that uses the Facebook livestream to get to their viewers. Even though it is usually watched by podiatry practitioners, a great deal of other health care professionals as well see it. The livestream is hosted by Craig Payne from Australia and Ian Griffiths coming from the United Kingdom. The show goes out live on Facebook and afterwards is later on modified and submitted to YouTube. Every live show includes a different expert or selection of guests to talk about a distinctive topic each time. Requests are answered during the stream by the hosts and experts throughout the live episode on Facebook. In addition, there is a audio only edition of each live on iTunes and also Spotify as well as the other common podcast sources. They have gathered a huge following which keeps growing. PodChatLive is viewed as a good way in which podiatry practitioners might get free continuing education credits.

One important thing that can come through with each episode certainly is the belief in science and the challenging of people who present pseudoscience or junk science thoughts. PodChatLive actually had one live focused on the entire issue of poor science in podiatry. In that episode the guest they had on that week was the podiatrist, Robert Issacs in which they reviewed and tackled the key reason why critical thinking was very crucial in clinical practice and how our biases affect reasonable thinking. Furthermore they reviewed just why it's very important to have the ability and want to query and evaluate everything we read scientifically and exactly why this is so crucial to enhancing the entire profession of Podiatry. They also reviewed the most popular logical fallacies and flaws that occur with that thinking. They also featured the sorts of patterns noticed from some kinds of people in the profession when they're inquired or challenged and the way they interact with those inquiries and challenges when trapped.