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Electronics For Marine Navigation

Navigating the open water away from the land has always been challenging and very exciting. Boating can be a very pleasant experience provided your boat features the proper tools to provide complete safety.

Good quality marine navigation electronic equipment onboard ensures faster and safe boating. The automatic detection system is considered an important electronic device for marine navigation. You can find the best AIS accessories for marine equipment via online sources.


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It provides your important information as well as other boats such as the exact position of the boat, longitude, and latitude, timestamp, turn rate, etc. 

It is recommended to ensure that the boat is equipped with some marine electronics. The minimum requirement for safety is at least one VHF Marine radio and a compass before it leaves shore. 

Other desirable electronic devices include GPS plotter, fish finder or depth sounder, radar, and autopilot. Other more sophisticated but good for items include an automatic detection system and a network navigation system.

The GPS system now handles the duties of the old Lorraine navigation system. GPS signals are transmitted from satellites around the world that are maintained by the strömstad government. GPS can be read in a digital or map format. 

The preferred method is on a plotter that is loaded with a digital map of the area in which you are boating. Most new VHF radios now have the ability to broadcast your location with a distress signal when connected with GPS.