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Importance Of Implementing Door Access Control System

In our modern world, there are increasing security risks, in part because the number of security issues has increased significantly. The most important reason for unauthorized visitors to enter the building is the doors that are open not only to employees but also to visitors. It is very easy for uninvited visitors to gain access to the building premises. 

Employees do not need to authenticate themselves with keys or cards to gain access. Every exit and entry is recorded accurately, eliminating registration errors and also preventing fraudulent entry and exit Access to doors is monitored in real time, allowing better control over who is allowed in and out of doors.

A well-designed security access control system should include a rapid facial recognition system that ensures only those authorized to enter the door have access. The door opens only to authorized persons and blocks access to anyone who is not authorized. 

It is a high-tech device that allows easy operation and fast installation. It only takes two weeks to integrate into an organization and its various branches. Implementing this system within an organization, as well as across its branches, simplifies security and increases the level of security while minimizing risk from unauthorized external sources. 

It is recommended to install the system in critical institutions such as financial institutions or research centers in areas with significant security risks and high security requirements.