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Laser Hair Removal – Everything You Always Wanted to Know

Let's face facts here: a woman with a beard is rarely considered alluring. Neither is a woman with a mustache, albeit a faint one, unless you are Frida Kahlo fan or a Vladmir Nabokov aficionado. Assuming you are neither, what can you do if you fear you are turning into the Bearded Lady at the circus, apart from plucking, bleaching and shaving?

Laser hair removal does not claim to get rid of hair permanently, although when done regularly you may see permanent hair reduction. Unfortunately, plucking, bleaching and shaving don't really work in those oh-so visible parts of the body such as the face – and neither do tweezing or waxing. This is a where laser hair removal can come into the picture. You are looking for a laser hair removal for your unwanted hair, then you can hop over to this site

It might be okay to pluck a stray hair now or shave your armpits, but using a razor blade on the upper lip of women is NOT the way to go. So, when all has failed, luckily there finally is a relatively new technique that promises to put an end to our daily quest to rid ourselves of unwanted hair: laser hair removal. But when all is said and done, does it really get rid of that hairy problem?

The short answer is: yes.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal has become widely available in the middle of the 1990s. Smart Boffins found that the laser can cause damage to parts of the human body, such as skin and hair, by heating specific targets. Where hair is concerned the target is melanin, a dark matter present in the follicle, which causes the hair to grow. Advanced scientific techniques resulted in a laser which, when yielded correctly, would target the follicle and damage it, but leave surrounding skin intact.