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How Many Sitting Microneedling Takes to Treat Acne?

With the use of microneedling technology, dermatologists can now treat acne and different skin conditions with much more precision than before. Many people have been wondering how many sittings are required for treatments of this kind.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the number of microneedling treatments required to treat acne will vary depending on the severity of the condition and the individual's skin type. You can easily find the best micro needling device online from many sites.

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However, a few common guidelines for treating acne with microneedling include:

-For mild to moderate cases of acne, it is typically recommended that patients receive one or two sessions of microneedling therapy per week.

-For more severe cases of acne, patients may require up to six sessions per week in order to achieve optimal results.

-It is important to note that not all patients will see the same level of improvement after undergoing microneedling treatment; each person's experience will vary.

Microneedling is a treatment option for acne that is gaining popularity because of its multiple benefits. It is a noninvasive, painless procedure that uses microscopic needles to break down the skin’s surface layer. This results in the release of “microneedles” which are tiny needles that pierce the skin and deliver active ingredients directly to the acne lesions. 

Microneedling can be used in combination with other acne treatments like antibiotics or light therapy to provide maximum results.