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Get More Information about Drupal Migration

To make the maximum of this new feature, many website owners will upgrade their version of Drupal. If you too have reached the same decision for your website, here are step-by-step instructions to assist you in the migration process:

1. First, it is important to understand that an update from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 is one of the main because there are significant differences in how the two versions use and store data. You can check out more information about Drupal migrate via

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However, if your website is not too complicated, and you have backed up your core data at regular intervals (as recommended by the developer), the process should not be too complicated for you.

2. So now that you are ready for it, the first step in the process of upgrading your Drupal is to back up your site database. There are some tools that are easily available online that can help you in this process. Or, if you prefer to perform backups manually, you can use phpMyAdmin.

3. After backing up your database, you also need to backup all your files and folders to a secure location. This could be your PC, your hosting control panel, or just a separate online server.

4. You need to check the status of your contributed and custom modules to make sure that you go through the whole update process successfully. Check the Drupal website for information on upgrading your modules.

5. One of the catches in the Drupal update process is that you cannot jump versions, that is, you cannot directly upgrade from Drupal 6.1 to Drupal 7 in a single step.