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The Brooks B17 Saddle Gets Increasingly Comfortable As You Ride It More

If you're a casual bicycle rider who's looking for a fashionable seat that's comfortable to ride in normal street clothes you may have heard of the Brooks B17 saddle. The Brooks B17 saddle is the flagship Brooks England bicycle seat that's been around for over a century. Often times when beginner bike riders are looking for a comfortable seat they think they need something soft and squishy. While this does work for some people, it's really not the correct mindset when shopping for a comfortable bicycle saddle.

Everybody has something called sit bones, and each person's are slightly different. In order to have a comfortable bike seat, you need to be sitting on something that snugly wraps around those sit bones. Purchasing a seat that's soft and squishy is one solution to having the seat mold around those sit bones, but the truth is you're going to be bouncing around on top of your seat and a squishy material will not permanently form a mold. The Brooks B17 saddle is the solution to this problem because the saddle is made of 100% leather that will mold to your sit bones over time. The Brooks B17 saddle review that Matt just posted on TailHappyTV claims that it may take 100 miles or more for the bike seat to get broken in. The truth is, the Brooks B17 saddle is like a fine wine, the leather will age with time and get better as you ride it more.

There is no need to wear cycling specific clothing with a Brooks B17 saddle, in fact most people choose to ride in jeans or normal street wear. If you've been struggling to find a comfortable bike seat for your bicycle, you may want to listen to you Matt's advice on his latest video posted to TailHappyTV.