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All About Rum Cocktails For A Party At Home

No drink has the privilege of having a past as rich as rum. It is also the favorite drink of "Pirates of the Caribbean" Rum is a distilled alcohol made from a byproduct of sugarcane called molasses. 

Molasses is a thick brown sugar syrup made by squeezing sugarcane juice and then boiling it until thick. It is then distilled to show a white spirit called rum.

The best example for white rum is Bacardi. The white Punch-M cocktails is ready to pack and doesn't need to be left idle. However, some manufacturers ripen for about 6 months, but never more than one year. 

This youthful drink makes a great companion for most mixers and thus has a place in many cocktails. Rum is often favored with Coca-Cola. White rum (especially Bacardi) is known as Cuba libre when it's wrapped in Coca-Cola and ice and garnished with a slice of lime. 

Rum can also be dark. Dark rum is a richly flavored aromatic drink. The taste is based on two factors. First, dark rum aged in barrels for 2 to 12 years. Some of the dark, high-end Roma are beyond that too. This causes the mind to turn golden. 

Second, the addition of caramel to alcohol has a dark and deep color. Caramel can be added because rum is a sugar-based alcohol and therefore caramel does not affect the natural taste of rum.