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Pros Of Using Disposable Plates And Cutlery In Your Restaurant Or Catering Service

If you are a business that provides food and beverage service, then you know how important it is to be environmentally conscious. One way to help your customers feel good about their meals is to use disposable plates and cutlery. In this article, you can find out more reasons why using disposable plates and cutlery is a good idea:

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1. You will be reducing the amount of waste that is created. Disposable plates and cutlery can take up to 50% less space in your trash can than regular dishes. This means that you are not only saving money on disposables, but you are also helping the environment. 

2. You will be reducing the amount of time that it takes to clean up after your meal. With regular dishes, it can take hours to clean all of the food residues off them. With disposable plates and cutlery, however, all of the food can be wiped down with a simple swipe. This means less time spent cleaning and more time spent running your business.

3. You will be reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses. When using regular dishes, there is a greater chance that food will become contaminated with bacteria. If someone has an illness caused by bacteria, they could potentially get sick if they eat food that has been contaminated with that bacteria. With disposable plates and cutlery, however, there is no risk of foodborne illness.