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All About Reverse Engineering Service

The traditional engineering process occurs in a linear fashion: a product is conceptualized, its concepts flow charted, sketched out, and then virtually modeled as a solid CAD model. But in the reverse engineering process, the traditional engineering process is reversed. An as-built product is turned into a solid CAD model, surface model, or polygon mesh model and conceptualized in terms of improvements or for fabrication purposes.

 For example, if a vintage automobile contains parts that haven't been laser scanned, scanning the parts makes it possible to fabricate duplicates instead of relying on used parts. But in most cases, engineers use 3D laser scanning-also known as laser scanning and laser surveying-to develop an improved version of an existing product or operating system.

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An example of how a laser scanning service uses reverse engineering to make better products can be seen in the re-engineering of the mold industry. Laser scanning can eliminate the weaknesses of the product by eliminating inaccuracies in the mold slightly.

An example of how a survey Laser engineering services use inverted to create an enhanced operating system re-engineering can be seen in the air duct system. The general problem with the duct system is an air leak between the duct segments, which led to an increase in electricity bills as homeowners increase the production of this AC. Using a laser survey, engineers can fix the problem by re-engineering ductwork to eliminate the gap between the segments duct minutes.