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Why Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Foam Performs an Important Function?

The spa and hot tub cover how good insulation works. These covers are made from Expanded Polystyrene foam (EPS). The EPS foam, which is usually white, is made by mixing ethylene and benzene chemicals into a compound called styrene. The styrene molecules will polymerize when they are treated with other chemicals. Low-pressure steam is used to expand and fuse the beads. To order the best EPS foam go through

Starex EPS Foam


Expanded Polystyrene is now strong and tough and can be used to pack (to cushion fragile items) and in insulating buildings. Spa covers that are insulated with this foam have a high strength-to-weight ratio.

The spa covers protect the spa from heat loss by sealing it. The spa covers are placed on the hot tub's surface to keep the heat in the spa water. They also protect the spa from accidents by children and seniors, as well as from insects, leaves, and other debris.

You may have a badly fitted or poorly insulated hot tub cover if the water you're trying to heat does not cool down as quickly. A well-constructed spa cover will retain heat regardless of the temperature.

The spa cover's insulation power is not limited to its EPS foam cores. Other foam layers have their own insulation abilities. These layers contribute to the spa cover’s overall thermal resistance value. The R-Value is a measure of how much heat escapes through the spa cover over a certain time.

This is a smart choice for commercial and residential hot tubs and spas. Expanded polystyrene spa covers offer the best R-value and lowest cost. These covers are the best choice for hot tubs and spas, both residential and commercial.