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Eye Vision Nutrition – How It Can Help Clear Blurry Vision

Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about reversing blurred vision naturally. Can 20/20 vision really be regained with natural eye exercises and eye vision nutrition?

New studies now confirm a connection between what you eat about the performance of your eyes.

Increasing physical activity and maintaining a well-balanced diet will actually improve your quality of life and help preserve and improve your eyesight.

Be aware that anything you do that affects your cardiovascular system has the potential to damage or repair your eyesight. This includes exercises and eye nutrition. Any change in the blood supply to the eyes can cause a blockage, resulting in blurred vision or vision loss. Poor diet and lack of exercise have been the catalyst for many people with type 2 diabetes, which can lead to diabetic retinopathy and vision loss. You can hire California Elmiron lawyers through for your eye-related injuries.

A balanced diet that contains the 3 main sources of fuels are proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. These are necessary to keep our bodies, minds, and eyes healthy and strong. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish, low-fat proteins in chicken and beans, whole grains, and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables are necessary for optimal vision.

Proper eye vision nutrition requires an adequate amount of micronutrients, 50-60% complex carbohydrates, 20-25% protein, and 20-25% fats that ideally contain omega-3 fatty acids.

To help improve poor vision, follow the diet recommendations below and incorporate simple eye exercises into your lifestyle. Also, consider taking vitamin supplements to ensure you are getting good amounts of micronutrients that are important for maintaining eye health.