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Eyelid Surgery For Improved Appearance

A person may choose to have cosmetic eyelid surgery for many reasons. However, the most common reasons include better vision and a younger appearance. As we age, our skin around the eyes can sag or droop which can give us an aged appearance and sometimes even affect our vision. 

Cosmetic Blepharoplasty can correct this problem. It restores vision and gives you a more youthful look. Cosmetic lower lid surgery can be used to correct lower bags.

Japanese Double Eyelid Surgery

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Cosmetic upper eyelid surgery is performed to remove excess skin from the upper eyelids and tighten the skin around the eyes. If the muscle has become weak and is sagging, it may be removed. This is also known as an eyelift, or eyelid lift. 

The procedure is not considered medically necessary and is rarely covered by insurance. The average cosmetic surgery procedure lasts approximately ten years. This is because your eyes, like all other parts of your face, will age over time. 

Depending on whether the eyelid surgery is performed for both the upper and lower eyelids or one of them, the average cost of an eyelid lift can be between two and five thousand dollars.

Your cosmetic lower lid surgery may be required if you have lower bags. This will involve small incisions under your lash line, or one on the inside of the lower eyelid. This procedure is known as transconjunctival Blepharoplasty. 

This approach allows your cosmetic surgeon to remove the skin and fat from the eyelids. Laser resurfacing can be used to reduce wrinkles and lines in the lower eyelid skin. Cosmetic lower lid surgery aims to correct sagging and improve the shape of lower lids.