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Thumb Sucking – How to Overcome This Behavior

Thumb sucking is a behavior that occurs in many children at a very young age. The reasons can vary from hunger, comfort, pleasure and safety. Many of them overcome this habit in a short time, while at other times; parents need help to break the habit.

If the baby continues to suck on the thumb, dental problems will develop. Therefore it must be stopped. To get help, you can purchase finger sucking guard via online sources.

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Here are some ways parents can help their child cope with thumb sucking:

1. Awareness – Let him know the effect on your teeth and this is not good social behavior either. This will make them realize that he is doing something wrong.

2. Get a thumb guard – The thumb guard is a simple glove that only protects the thumb and does not allow the child to breastfeed. Encourage the child to wear the thumb guard until the habit is abandoned.

3. Attention – It is often seen that the child demands attention and thumb sucking becomes a habit. Pay more attention to the child and in the end the child will be free from this habit.

4. Respect for Children – Evaluating and rewarding children for not sucking their thumbs can be a motivating factor for children to stop thumb sucking.

5. Distraction – Thumb sucking is unconscious behavior so that the child does not notice that they are sucking the thumb. If you notice your thumb sucking, distract your child and give them an activity that uses both hands.

Encourage Your Child to Stop Thumb Sucking by Age 4

There is something universal about thumb sucking: almost all babies do so, and almost all parents worry about it. While most of these fears are unfounded, you should care if your child sucking their mother's past the age of 4 – the end of the thumb sucking can skew bite development.

Children suck their thumbs because of the way they ingest. Infants move their tongue forward into the space between the two jaws, which allow them to form a seal around the nipple because they are breast or bottle feed. You can visit if ypu are looking for the devices which can help your child get rid of the thumb sucking habit.

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Around the age of 4, this "infantile swallowing pattern" changes to the adult pattern in which the tip of the tongue contacts the front roof of the mouth just behind the front teeth. At the same time bite their future began to take shape.

In a normal bite of the front teeth slightly overlapping the bottom and does not leave a gap between the jaws when closed. Â But if sucking his thumb continued well into school age, the constant pushing your tongue through the opening in the jaw can change the position of the front teeth as they erupt. As a result, they may not fully erupt or explode too far ahead.

Of course, the best way to avoid this outcome is to encourage your child to stop sucking his thumb before they turn four. However, if they had developed a poor bite (malocclusion), all is not lost – it can be treated.