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Healthy Eating – School Food Services Policy

A school program in which students choose nutritious foods and a healthy lifestyle. It encourages learning and health outcomes for children and young people, addressing the rise in obesity and other preventable diet-related conditions.

To support a healthy eating culture in schools, the department has a school canteen and other school foodservice policy. It sets out the principles that promote healthy eating in the food academy scheme It addresses food selection and food categories in the development of healthy school foodservice.

Food school program

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This policy applies to all government schools in Australia, including primary, secondary, special, and language schools. International and independent schools are also encouraged to adopt the policy as a guide to best practice.

Purpose Of This Policy

To ensure that school food services provide food and drink that contribute to a supportive, healthy school environment.

School food services can have a major impact on the food and meals that students are exposed to and consume. Enjoying healthy foods and beverages has a wide range of positive benefits for student health and learning outcomes:

  • Providing important nutrients to students that should be alert and busy in the classroom
  • For activities and healthy physical development and performance. 
  • Encouraging the development of healthy eating habits and preferences. 
  • Paving the way for good health and chronic disease prevention.