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Carbon Capture Technology – Improves the Environmental Footprints

With the rising demand for crude oil, it is most challenging to produce oil and refined products at a lower cost in the market. There are industrial challenges like – the generation of low-carbon crude oil production to clean the environment & industrial base assets. One can read about low-carbon crude oil production via online. 

It is the most common source of energy all over the world. Also, crude oil is seen as a major contributor to climate change. So, carbon capture during oil production is the main thing that industries must keep in mind. Given the difficulty and slow pace of energy transitions, upstream companies are increasingly looking at ways & means to transition to the production of crude oil with low or near zero CO2 footprints, or low-carbon oil, while also optimizing investments, costs, and sustainability. 

Various companies like Dastur Energy are helping industries in low-carbon crude oil production. DE helps their clients in achieving their goal in carbon capture crude oil production. They offer integrated EOR based solutions that result in high crude production from mature fields and reduction of risks associated while generating new oil fields. 

Their business-driven approach include the complete lifecycle of CO2 which consists of:

  • CO2 source determination
  • CO2 capture 
  • CO2 processing 
  • CO2 transportation
  • Injection of CO2 for EOR

Oil and gas industries need to reduce their CO2 emissions during crude oil production. DE helps clients optimize the advantages of CO2 EOR, i.e. sustainability and low-carbon/net-negative oil production.