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Advantages Of Buying UTS-1 Wireless Charger

Wireless mobile device charging is an amazing idea and everything, but there's a major issue with it It's that you still need to be able to have something at your table or desk that can provide power for charging. Nowadays you can buy products like invisible wireless charger under desk fast uts-1 from Kew Labs for more efficiency & convenience.

Wireless chargers usually come with a tiny tray or hockey puck on which you can place your device and although some are now fashionable—it is just examined one that was made from marble — they still consume a significant amount of room on your desk but do nothing even when not in use.

Brand products offers a nifty solution to this problem The company hides the Qi charger under your table or desk so that it's not visible, thereby cleaning things up and keeping clutter to a minimum. Naturally, this method comes with many issues.

It's a tricky process that requires more than the proper aligning of the wire coils within the charger and the ones within your phone but the proper distance between the two.

Certain phone cases, particularly the thicker "armored" ones — have been reported to hinder wireless charging due to being too large. Imagine the weight of the desk you're sitting on is likely to cause the delicate charging process.

It's the most difficult step in putting the UTS-1 on your desk since when you've snipped and stuck 4 pieces of adhesive tape on the bottom of the desk it's basically where it's going to remain. (Small screws are included in case you'd like to move it later however, drilling under your desk can be challenging.)