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Thing You Should Look In A Business Computer Support Company

A business computer support technician must often be versed in many different aspects of the computer. They need to be able to provide support to all facets of the operation while maintaining an overall support system for the computers themselves. 

It can be difficult to find a company that provides excellent computer support for your business. There are so many companies out there claiming to be the best. You can also get more information about business computer support via

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Here are the points to consider while choosing IT support companies:

1. A Clear Service Level Agreement

A clear service level agreement ensures both you and your potential business IT support company knows exactly what is expected of the contract. 

The agreement should contain details of what hardware and software are to be covered, the range of services the IT company will provide (e.g. on-site assistance, telephone support, email support, and so on), what times support is available, maximum response times, and other points such as customer obligations and escalation procedures. 

2. Location

How far away is your support company from you? This is extremely important if the contract provides on-site assistance as the last thing you want when you are having IT issues is to be waiting 4 hours for an engineer to travel to your office.