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Tag Archives: legal separation in Hawaii

What Is Legal separation?

Legal separation is the process by which a couple gets legally separated, but remains legally married. Legal separation, also referred to as judicial separation, is an alternative for people who cannot live in a couple, but do not wish to break up their union. Living apart doesn't constitute legal separation. 

Legal separation is advantageous in a variety of cases. The majority of couples aren't certain whether they would like to divorce or not. Legal separation gives couples the chance to be able to live in a separate home and think about their choices. You can get more knowledge about legal separation in Hawaii via different online sources.

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Divorce Waiting Time is another reason. Couples may not want to live together in the time when their state mandates them to wait prior to divorce. So they may opt to divorce by judicial process. In some instances, it may be difficult to obtain a complete, final divorce. 

Couples may then demonstrate the seriousness of divorce by being separated for a long duration of time. This ensures that the couple will get an appointment on the court's schedule when they apply for a complete divorce.

In a judicial separation, the court defines the duties and responsibilities of each spouse following separation. These issues are addressed in the Separation Agreement. The agreement is intended to address any debt, property and child custody, alimony visitation as well as tax, insurance as well as child care issues which could be between the spouses.