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Tag Archives: Nopal Cactus Powder

All about Nopal Cactus

Nopal cactus was extensively used over the decades in the lives of Mexican Indians as a dietary supplement to regulate the digestion system. People who incorporate nopal cactus products in their diets are likely to experience greater levels that they will experience regularity and consistency in their stool movements. 

Cactus also contains significant amounts of insoluble fibers. This is why it acts as a natural cleanser for the colon and cleanses the body of impurities within the colon which could hinder digestion health. You can also find different nopal cactus supplements from according to your needs. 

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How to Use Prickly Pear

Nopal cactus can be consumed fresh or cooked. If you're feeling courageous, you could grow the cactus yourself and strip its pads of its needles before roasting them or cutting the cactus into salads. For many people, however, the effort required to cook a meal that includes cactus may prove to be too laborious. 

If you'd like to reap the health benefits but not take the risk of getting bitten by one of its needles, it is possible to purchase herbal supplements in pills. These pills are cactus-based and provide the same benefits as eating succulent plants in their natural state. 

Recent research suggests that nopal cactus may reduce cholesterol levels, decrease inflammation, increase the level of energy, as well as stop the deterioration of nerves. Few vegetables offer this broad of a variety of health benefits to humans. 

If you're worried about your weight or health take a look at buying some supplements or planting one of these cacti with a wide range of uses in your garden. It is possible that aside from health benefits you will love the flavor.