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What Is The Purpose Of Parging?

Parging process generally refers to the application layer of cement, which is applied over the surface of the wall, like on the foundation or exterior walls.

Parging cement may have several variations in terms of the elements used in a particular concrete mix. You can also take the help of parging experts in Edmonton for best stucco and parging services.

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The elements may include color based latex, fiber material that is designed to increase strength, or different mixture ratios in the concrete itself, depending on the intended application.

Parging surface provides for a block, smooth surface clean, which can then be applied waterproofing coating. Exposed part of the foundation that upscale look, usually parged to provide extra protection for poured concrete or block foundation wall construction. It also produces a neat finished appearance.

A skilled craftsman made parging simple display; but it takes considerable practice to achieve a smooth appearance. Textured appearance can also be achieved by adding materials such as pebbles or smooth stones are applied to cement coating material.

Parging often used in cases where severe and wide spread damage to the brick can be found on building walls.

Home or building owners can choose to essentially cover the surface of the bricks with cement layers. Under certain conditions, it is considered best practice to apply a galvanized steel mesh on the surface of the wall, before the first application of parging cement; referred to as "initial coat".

Finish coat normally has a smooth and uniform appearance. Depending on the application requirements; coat finish can use a lighter cement mixture.