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The Importance Of A Pediatric Vision Test

When it comes to children, time is of the essence. Though most children will be able to have their eyes examined by an eye specialist at school, there are many times that an extra set of professional eyes can be beneficial – for instance, if a child has difficulty seeing at home or in the doctor's office. 

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Pediatric Vision Screening on an iPhone: Used by over 3,000 Pediatricians

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In this article, we'll look at the importance of taking a pediatric vision test and how you can get your child ready for one with ease.

Why is vision important?

Vision is one of the most important senses for children. It allows them to understand the world around them, play and learn in a safe environment, and participate in activities they enjoy. A pediatric vision test can help identify any potential issues with your child’s vision so that they can receive the necessary treatment. 

Nearly 20% of children have some form of vision impairment by the time they reach school age. This can lead to difficulty with homework, reading, and other activities that require close visual attention. If left untreated, these impairments can lead to further difficulties in school and life later on.

A pediatric vision test is a quick and easy way to find out if your child has any problems with their vision. The test typically takes only a few minutes to complete and does not require any special equipment or materials. Most pediatric vision tests are available at most eye care clinics and hospitals.