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A Revocable Living Trust to Prevent Probate

A living revocable trust is very helpful. You might have adult children and you might want all your resources to pass in equal shares to the children on your passing, and if one of your children dies before you do, you need his/her share to be distributed among his/her children.

This may be readily accomplished using by naming the children as beneficiaries. This is simply 1 example of the possible advantage of using a revocable living trust to prevent probate.

Revocable living trusts can also be useful if your estate lawyer is an expert. You can also create a living trust in California with the assistance and help of an estate lawyer.

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As an example, you might want some of your resources shared with your grandsons and granddaughters, but maybe they're all teens at this time. You could set your trust so that your grandchildren will not get their share of their resources until they each hit age 25.

You may even support your kids having some sort of disability with the help of a living trust. If that's the circumstance, you might opt to have his/her share of the resources continue to be held with the trust following your departure so the trustee could handle him/her.

Living trust alone is useless unless the trust is financed. This indicates you'll have to re-title your resources, such as property, stocks, etc.