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What You Should Know About Protecting Your Clients Data?

If we want to make sure that our client's data is kept safe and secure, it's important to make sure we do the little things. There are several steps you can take to avoid situations where your client's data might be exposed: whether it's responsibly storing backups of your work, backing up your client's data, or making sure you know who on your team has access to what information (especially when they're working remotely), or organizing sensitive client files in a user-friendly way. For more information on how these systems work, visit

Protecting your clients' data is never something that you can really take lightly. You're in charge of their privacy, which essentially acts as a gateway to their identities and even their finances. So it's surprising how many websites don't seem to give this the amount of attention it deserves. However, as a designer, you have a responsibility to protect each and every one of your clients' data when designing for them. Don't be lazy about it, either! The time that you may spend doing it right now will save you countless hours later on down the road.

It's a top priority for all businesses, whether larger corporate firms or small design agencies. As a designer, your job is as much about providing great design solutions as it is about keeping your clients' data safe and secure. Be smart and keep web security in mind along with everything else you do.