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Applied Kinesiology in Spokane – Explanation of Muscle Testing

All components of our bodies are in perfect balance structurally as well as chemically (such hormones) and allow for optimal functioning of all organs and tissues. Our bodies adapt to physical stressors like gravity, straining and lifting, slips or jars, and dietary and mental stressors such as lack of sleep, exercise, and poor nutrition.

Sometimes, we are exposed to more stress than our bodies can handle. Our bodies shut down or turn off some parts of our bodies to protect others when this happens. This is similar to how breaker switches in our home shut down if the wiring gets too heavy. A blocked or shut-off muscle can cause abnormal structure and function.

The Applied Kinesiology doctor can determine if there is a problem with the system by looking at the muscle involvement. Once the problem is resolved, the doctor can turn the system back on to restore normal function. Applied Kinesiology (AK), allows us to assess the function of the body. One can get the best treatment of applied kinesiology at Pearson & Weary if they are suffering from any muscle-related issues. 


During the course of your examination, the AK doctor may test a muscle and then have you place a finger or hand in a certain spot. S/he will then re-test the same muscle; sometimes there will be a remarkable change in its apparent strength.

What the doctor is doing is using your hand to stimulate nerve receptors, or otherwise add or subtract energy in different centers. By doing so, one is able to obtain additional information that might indicate abnormal function. These tests, along with other clinical findings, help indicate the most effective treatment.


Muscles support joints and give them stability. If the muscles of one side of the knee or lower back are not functioning properly, there may be joint instability.

This may cause joint fatigue, pain, easy injury, and – eventually – joint disease. Nearly all joints of the body can be involved, including the entire spine, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, and ankles.