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Massage Therapy in Annapolis – Specializing in Swedish Massage

It is now a popular choice to specialize in Swedish massage. The general public in Annapolis has embraced this style of massage. Swedish massage has been known to reduce stress and keep the body in balance, especially the neck, back, and shoulders. This ancient technique is easy to learn and can be used by any level of a massage therapist. You can learn more about Swedish massage via

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Five strokes are used to heal sore muscles from overuse, stress, improper lifting, and prolonged hours of work. Swedish massages are popular because they increase oxygen absorption, speed up recovery, and increase blood flow. Swedish massages can speed up the process of detoxification unlike any other type of massage. In Annapolis, relaxation and stress relief are the best parts of a Swedish massage.

Once you've decided that Swedish massage is the right choice for you, you need to learn about the five strokes it depends on. Effleurage will be the most used stroke. The effleurage is a simple motion of your thumbs or hand from the neck to the base of the spine. Sometimes, it can also be a glide motion from your shoulders to your fingertips. Petrissage, a stroke that speeds up blood flow, is popular. It involves kneading and pressing along the major muscle groups.

Tapotement is a form of drumming on your body. A few finger strokes make use of friction to loosen tight muscles and get knots out. These five strokes are very popular all over the world and will make you a trusted clientele.