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Tag Archives: swimming pool cover roller

Pool Safety Tips – The Pros and Cons of Pool Covers

Swimming pool covers are available to prevent drownings. However, some can increase the chance of death. You can find an affordable swimming pool cover roller .

swimming pool cover roller

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There are two important questions you should ask before making a purchase. Although it may seem obvious, it is still worth repeating.

Is the cover for safety designed?

This is the key question. Soft pool covers don't have safety in mind.Solar pool covers can be used to heat the pool by absorbing the sun's heat and keeping it contained. It can also prevent evaporation.

The most common uses of mesh covers are to protect from the elements and cover it in winter.

However, this does not mean that all manufacturers are unaware of the danger. Modern soft pool covers can withstand small pets and children's weight. Although this safety buffer is very helpful and has saved many lives, there are still some things that could go wrong. 

Question 2 Is the risk worth it?

For any family pool, a hard pool cover is essential. It should be designed specifically for safety and have a rating from a trusted authority. Pool owners who don't have young children might not feel the need for this extra effort.

It's all or nothing for a pool owner who is concerned about safety. One widely shared email concludes: "Let them take leaves out of their pools and not off their graves."