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About Talcum Powder Lawsuit Lawyers

Many women have registered lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson after it was reported that the powder-based company's products, including Baby Powder and shower-to-shower, can raise the risk of cancer.

Studies link talc powder, the main ingredient in Johnson & Johnson product, to an increased risk of ovarian cancer. Some women have successfully accused Johnson & Johnson to find out about the risks and failed to warn women about the dangers of this product.

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and you believe it was caused by the use of powder, you may be entitled to file a powder lawsuit with the help of talcum powder cancer lawyers.

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Study Links Talc and Ovarian Cancer

A study reveals that women who regularly used the powder to feminine hygiene have a 33 percent higher risk of ovarian cancer. In the study, researchers examined two sets of more than 2,000 women with and without ovarian cancer about the use of powder.

The American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute have recently added to the powder as a product that can increase the risk of ovarian cancer.

If you have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, contact a law firm to learn more about filing a lawsuit powder. The team of lawyers will review your claim for free to choose the law.

Johnson & Johnson's failure to warn about the risk of ovarian cancer associated with powder-based products has hurt consumers and their families. Although the jury declared in-error, continue to express a safe product.

If you have been injured or fallen ill after using Baby Powder or Shower to Shower product, you may be entitled to file a powder lawsuit. Lawyers can guide you at every step of the way so you can get the compensation you deserve.