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Sponsoring a Family Member to Immigrate to Canada

A central principle in Canadian immigration law is the goal of family reunification in Canada. Therefore, Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada who have reached the age of 18 may sponsor several close members of the Sponsor, e.g. Husbands, parents, grandparents, dependent children. You can get more knowledge about family sponsorship via

Au Pair USA: J1 visa requirements and application process

A sponsor can also bring an adopted child to Canada, provided certain conditions are met, for example, the adoption is in the best interests of the child, has home studies been conducted?

Canadian Citizenship and Immigration requires the sponsor to have a certain income, with certain exceptions, e.g. if the sponsored person is a spouse or dependent child.

Sponsors must meet certain requirements to qualify, such as having no criminal record, no benefits, and not being insolvent.

Finally, sponsored non-relatives who depend on a sponsored or completely emotionally dependent lead candidate may also be sponsored for humanitarian and compassionate reasons.

While the immigration process can take years if the partner is sponsored the application is expedited and can only take 1 year. This is Canada's citizenship and immigration policy.

The law usually requires sponsors to reside in Canada, but Canadian citizens can support their spouse, domestic partner, or partner outside of Canada if they can demonstrate that they will be living together in Canada when the application is approved.

Usually, when sponsoring a spouse, household partner, or spouse, the sponsor does not have to show any specific income, but sponsors who receive social assistance (except because of disability) are not eligible for sponsorship and there may be unresolved bankruptcy regarding the requirements for sponsors to meet.