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What Can Women Wear to Work?

Men only need to buy a suit, shirt, and nice shoes and tie to dress for work, but women have a much harder time. There are several guidelines to ensure you are well-dressed throughout the week. You can now find the best short sleeve tops via

What to Wear to Work, From Women Who Have It Figured Out - Vox

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You should consider creating a completely different look by separating mix and match. For example, you could wear a blouse with a cardigan for some days and a coat for another. You can pair pants and tops for some days and a women's blouse to top others, or wear your tops and shirts with pants on some days and with skirts on other days. 

Working women are expected to wear typical clothes every day. Mixing and matching parts is also good for your self-esteem. To combine individual pieces, you must first go into your closet and check what you have. If you can create dozens of new looks using what you currently have, you won't have to buy anything.

If you mix and match the pieces, you'll get a mix that gives you a sophisticated look and a combination that lets you find your wardrobe casually on Friday. An additional method of developing a distinct look is with accessories. 

For example, if you have two vests for work, you can wear them all week long with appropriate accessories such as belts and labels. The technique is finding technique and twists, even if you stick to an acceptable dress code.