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Home » Business and Management » The Different Types Of Tummy Tuck Surgery In Dallas

The Different Types Of Tummy Tuck Surgery In Dallas

An abdominoplasty, also called a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure that removes extra loose skin from the body. The fat deposits are also hidden and the abdominal muscles are tightened. 

This procedure is very convenient for most people because it can easily be adapted to suit everyone's needs and requirements. To get more information about the tummy tuck surgery in Dallas visit

tummy tuck surgery

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Here are the various types of tummy tuck that patients can choose from:

1. Endoscopic tummy tuck

This type of tummy tuck involves only a small incision, which results in the smallest scar. The process is great for those with less fat and weak muscles. It can also be used in patients with minor skin sagging.

2. Traditional tummy tuck

Two incisions are made in this shape. The first incision is made straight and extends from hip to hip. The second incision is made near the navel. This process creates a new belly button and nourishes the entire stomach. At the end of the process, excess fat and skin is removed and the skin is tightened. This type has been associated with liposuction a lot. This is the most common practice.

3. Mini stomach surgery

This area is also known as a fractional tummy tuck. Best for people who need the changes that need to be made to the lower middle as if this method creates a small entry point. The slices help remove a lot of skin and fat. The recovery time is short and the results are amazing.