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Home » Business and Management » The Elements Of A Shower That Make It Ideal For Handicapped Users

The Elements Of A Shower That Make It Ideal For Handicapped Users

One of the first steps to designing a shower for handicapped users is to think about the most basic elements that make up your bathroom. Everything from maintaining proper drainage, to ensuring adequate support for those who need help moving around, and creating a spacious space is discussed in this article.

What is a Handicap Shower?

A handicap shower is a shower that has been adapted to meet the needs of disabled people. Handicap showers at are designed to maximize usability. These showers are especially for those in wheelchairs or who have difficulty standing because they often have steps or a retractable seat.

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How to choose the right shower for yourself or your loved one

When you are disabled, you may not have the ability to use a standard shower. If this is the case, an accessible shower could be the perfect option for your needs. 

The ADA requires that showers must have built-in handrails and a seat height of at least 34 inches; however, these are not requirements for accessible showers. One of the most important features of an accessible shower is its width. 

A standard shower may take up more than one-quarter of the bathroom, so it must be wide enough to allow a person in a wheelchair or scooter to pass through without ducking or having to turn sideways.