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Home » Legal » The Process Of Getting Compensation After A Bicycle Accident

The Process Of Getting Compensation After A Bicycle Accident

In case you have been involved in a bicycle accident without any fault and have suffered a bodily injury because of this, there's every reason you should file a claim for reimbursement.

By calling an experienced, kind and compassionate attorney of bicycle accidents, you will make sure that the procedure ought to run smoothly and cause one to minimal strain from the procedure.

In case you want to be involved in your claim, then this manual should provide you a comprehension of the phases involved.

san diego bicycle accident lawyer

Building your case

Once your attorney has obtained the case on, they'll work to collect as much evidence as they can, so as to support the payment case. When the essential evidence was gathered, the attorney will compose a 'Letter of Claim' into the party responsible for your injury to notify them that a bike incident claim has been made.


Deciding which party was responsible for inducing the accident isn't necessarily straightforward. In some specific scenarios, the liability could be broken if it's not possible to ascertain a sole supply of fault.

The medical record

To assess the extent of a claimant's injuries, a medical report has to be compiled. The kind of accidents incurred can ascertain which medical practitioner will be consulted.

Settlement provides

At any time the suspect is free to generate a settlement offer. If you as the claimant – refuse the deal and your situation then goes into Court, the Courts will look at the deal in their choice as to which party is responsible for the legal expenses associated with the claim.