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The Pros of Wallpaper

Choosing between color and wallpaper when renovating walls can be a big dilemma, because both have their own advantages. Paint is the preferred choice, because it is the cheapest way to repaint and the easiest to paint.

Wallpaper like classic schumacher fabric, on the other hand, has many advantages, especially if you consider it a long-term investment. The walls covered with wallpaper and frames look more attractive, especially if it matches the body and theme of the room.

 Wallpaper gives a much better detail wall so the colors cannot be parallel. In addition, wallpaper lasts 10-15 years, which is economically stable because the painting work must be done every 2 years. Homeowners can save up to 30% on the cost of painting by using a wallpaper that exceeds the color.

While some claim that traditional wallpapers and wallpaper frames are more difficult to install than paint, modern technology allows manufacturers to create wallpapers, murals, and wallpapers that are easily applied and removed.

Most brands today provide a one-step appliance process that also makes moving and removing them easier. Most of the wallpaper has been glued today; what a homeowner must do is cut the wall paper into strips, dip it in water and stick it to the wall.

Another advantage of using wallpapers and frames over paint is the variety of designs and textures they provide to homeowners.

With a large selection of wallpapers, murals and wallpapers, homeowners can decorate their homes according to their personality.