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The Style and Splendor of Decorative Screens

Are you curious about the topic screenings with decorative designs? If yes, this article is to help you. We'll go over the different forms of decorative screens. After reading this article, you should be better equipped to make a sound purchasing decision in relation to decorative screens.

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Decorative Screens in Western Society-

While screens are generally regarded as an Asian product, however, it is a given that they were used within Western culture. The truth is that the genesis for Traditional Western society screens actually began within the Orient. 

However, the design of screens that resembled Western styles changed a bit with time. For instance, manufacturers might use different materials such as silk and leather to create their own screens. The ornaments, it's safe to say, are also different since they represented an entirely different culture as compared to the Orient.

Screens with Decorative Designs-

The privacy screens are referred to as Shoji screens. They've come in various design styles, colors, and forms. However, the majority of Shoji screens are available with a two-panel option to fit smaller spaces, however, they are available in larger sizes, such as the six-panel or four-panel versions. 

They are generally available with various oriental characters inscribed on the panels that add a perfect touch of class to any interior.