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Things You Need To Know Before Changing Your IT Support Solution

Whether you are hiring new employees or switch to a new outsourcing vendor, changing the flow of your Information Technology solutions can be a risky business.

Why? Perhaps more than in other departments, knowing what it takes to keep your system running technology is rarely shared knowledge and rarely documented. Here are the things you need to know before making IT changes. You can also look for IT support services in Fort Lauderdale via

What You Have Start with an inventory of hardware and software. Or, better yet, get your IT person or company at this time to document it all for you, from your network devices to the operating system and software programs.

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Image Source: Google

Who is Who? It would be surprising if you know all of your IT service providers; navigation does not change when you want to be surprised. That's why you need a list of all providers to contact you: telephone, data access, security, host websites and emails, and any managed services.

Make sure that you also have a copy of all of your current service agreement, as well as a clear understanding of what level of service they provide – for example, how long should it take for a response after your call.

Passwords For many companies, the only person who knows the password is now-former employees who had just left. That's why you need to know every password too, to hardware and software.

But more than that, you also need to know who has access to passwords and where records are stored passwords. After you change your support solution, change your password, as well.

Drive and Docs All documentation, configuration and installation disk for both software and hardware requirements will be collected, cataloged and contained in one area.