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Types Of Facade Lighting

Facade lighting can dramatically change the look of a facade. There are three types of facade lighting: exterior, interior, and accent. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks.

Here’s a breakdown of each:

Exterior Facade Lighting

The most common type of facade lighting is exterior facade lighting. This type of lighting is used to illuminate the exterior of a building. You can also get solid facade lighting solutions in the USA. 

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Exterior facade lighting can be used to make a building look nicer or more inviting. It can also be used to make it easier to see in the dark. Some types of exterior facade lighting are LED lights and floodlights.

Some disadvantages of using exterior facade lighting are that it can be expensive and it can create glare. Glare can make it difficult for people to see inside the building. Also, exterior facade lighting can create a white light effect which can cause eyestrain in people who are looking at the building during the night.

Interior Facade Lighting

Interior facade lighting is different than exterior facade lighting in two ways. First, interior facade lighting is used to illuminate interior spaces within a building, such as hallways and stairwells. Second, interior facade lighting is usually less bright than the exterior.

When deciding what type of facade lighting to install, there are a few factors to consider. The most important factor is the purpose of the light.