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What Is A Spanner Where It Is Used?

A spanner or wrench is a tool used to give adhesion and a mechanical benefit in applying a torque for turning objects, usually turning fasteners, such as bolts and nuts.

A spanner is a simple tool that carries a punch. The stahlwille wrench has a long holder with which to get a great grip and a metal tool hook-shaped for a good couple of household applications, such as repairing plumbing and gas.

stahlwille spanners

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In British English, the spanner is the standard term. The most common forms are called the wrench and ring spanner. The wrench refers to a type of adjustable spanner.

Spanners come in all shapes and sizes, many developed to address a specific job. In return for the most important use of a spanner is to ensure that it integrates perfectly the nut.


Spanner is generally used in the plumbing business to unscrew old water pipes, plumbing pipelines, and faucets that have rarely been addressed over the years.


Spanner can be purchased in various sizes to fit most of the plumbing and gas repairs. Gas lines are easily done with a spanner and are present in most tool bags to stores.


Spanners work similarly to a plumber's pipe wrench, but with less noise. Spanner is easier to use than pipe wrenches and as good or higher torque as a pipe wrench.