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How To Find The Best Hair Salon Capes?

To replace those old, worn, tired hair cutting or chemical capes you have now, make sure to fully understand not only your needs but your customer’s comfort and protection as well. With so many choices available, deciding which capes are best for your business can be daunting.

Hair salon capes do come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, material types, and a multitude of styles and patterns.If you are just starting out in the salon business, or maybe you just want to replace your existing hair capes, it is important to choose the right type of hair cutting capes .

Charcoal Premium Water Proof Silkarah Cutting Cape

When choosing cutting or chemical capes, take a hard look at the fabric. There are woven capes with a fabric blend, like polyester with microfiber, and also solid fabric materials such as nylon. But not all capes are suitable for both cutting and chemicals!

For cutting capes, look for fabric with Teflon coating to resist strong solutions stemming from hair color, perm solutions, and bleach. These cape types will often be anti-static, water-repellent, bleach, and color proof in dark colors, and will stand up to harsh chemicals for years of wear.

Capes with waterproof polyurethane coating have the strongest chemical proofing. They also offer the highest level of protection and durability. Remember still to keep comfort in mind when you decide on a fabric blend for your hair-cutting cape.

Also, take note of how easy it is to maintain a cape made from a certain fabric. High-maintenance fabrics can cost you more time, energy, and money. However, don’t choose fabrics that are cheap either.

Other things you need to consider when choosing the right hair salon cape are the material, how much it weighs, and how it is fastened. Polyester capes are very durable, lightweight and often have several types of fit and styles to choose from.