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How do podiatrists use foot orthotics?

The idea of foot orthotic dosing continues to be having even more attention in recent years. It is actually using the analogy of drugs or medication dosage. Each person who is on a different drug or medicine for a medical problem really should theoretically taking an individual measure or amount of that medicine. The same needs to be the scenario for foot supports. A distinct “dose” of foot orthotic should really be applied. Many times foot orthoses are all given the similar measure of foot orthotic, especially in clinical studies or research. An instalment of the regular podiatry livestream, PodChatLive tackled this issue. The hosts of PodChatLive chatted with Simon Spooner to try to emphasize some of the constraints of foot orthoses analysis depending on the idea. They pointed out the best way clinicians really should be looking at all conclusions from research made in the framework of those constraints. They talked about as to what “perfect” foot orthotic research could look like, the points we may need to ‘measure’ and the apparent discussion between your lab and the clinic. Most of all they reviewed exactly what ‘dosing’ is, and just how it will help us answer questions which are currently unanswered.

Dr Simon Spooner graduated as a Podiatrist in 1991 graduating from the University of Brighton in the UK, as well as to his BSc in Podiatry, he ended up being awarded the Paul Shenton prize for his research into callus. Then he went on to complete his PhD in Podiatry from the University of Leicester in 1997, in which he examined the causes and treatment of inherited foot issues. He is currently the Director of Podiatry at Peninsula Podiatry. His practice specialties include exercise medicine, foot orthoses, and paediatric and adult foot and gait irregularities. As well as his own clinical work, Simon has published a variety of research articles on podiatric issues and has delivered lectures at both national and worldwide conferences, and provided postgraduate training for a variety of National Health Service Trusts.


How to spot bad science?

PodChatLive is a once a month live show for the frequent education of Podiatry practitioners which uses the Facebook livestream to get to their audience. Even though it is typically watched by podiatrists, lots of other health care professionals in addition watch it. The stream is put on by Craig Payne from Australia and Ian Griffiths from the United Kingdom. The show is broadcast live on Facebook and then is later on modified and submitted to YouTube. Each live event has a different guest or group of experts to discuss a unique area of interest each time. Inquiries are answered during the stream by the hosts and experts throughout the live show on Facebook. In addition, there is a audio only edition of each show on iTunes as well as Spotify as well as the other common podcast sources. PodChatLive has gained a huge following that continues to grow. PodChatLive is regarded as one of the ways through which podiatry practitioners may get free continuing education credits.

A topic which can come through commonly in each episode is the thinking scientifically and the challenging of people who present pseudoscience or junk science ideas. They even had one episode focused on the entire topic of bad science in podiatry. In that episode the expert that they had on that week was the podiatrist, Robert Issacs in which they reviewed and tackled the key reason why critical thinking was so essential in clinical practice and how our biases affect logical thinking. Furthermore they discussed basically why it's very vital that you have the ability and need to question and analyze almost everything we read and why this can be so essential to improving the whole profession of Podiatry. They even talked about the most popular logical fallacies and mistakes which occur with that thinking. They also outlined the types of behaviours noticed from certain kinds of individuals in the profession should they be inquired or challenged and how they react to those questions and challenges when caught out.